Computation of spectral rankings and associated utilities.
Interface Summary Interface Description SpectralRanking.StoppingCriterion A a strategy that decides when a computation should be stopped. -
Class Summary Class Description DominantEigenvectorParallelPowerMethod Computes the left dominant eigenvalue and eigenvector of a graph using a parallel implementation of the power method.KatzParallelGaussSeidel Computes Katz's index using a parallel implementation of the Gauß–Seidel method; this is the implementation of choice to be used when computing Katz's index.LeftSingularVectorParallelPowerMethod Computes the left singular vector of a graph using a parallel implementation of the power method.PageRank An abstract class defining methods and attributes supporting PageRank computations.PageRankFromCoefficients Computes PageRank using its power series.PageRankGaussSeidel Computes PageRank of a graph using the Gauß–Seidel method.PageRankParallelGaussSeidel Computes PageRank using a parallel (multicore) implementation of the Gauß–Seidel method.PageRankParallelPowerSeries Computes PageRank using a parallel (multicore) implementation of the power-series method, which runs the power method starting from the preference vector, thus evaluating the truncated PageRank power series (seePageRankPowerSeries
).PageRankPowerSeries Computes PageRank (and possibly its derivatives in the damping factor) using its power series.PageRankPush Computes strongly preferential PageRank for a preference vector concentrated on a node using the push algorithm.PageRankPush.EmptyQueueStoppingCritertion PageRankPush.IntHeapIndirectPriorityQueue PageRankPush.L1NormStoppingCritertion PowerSeries Computes a power series on a graph using a parallel implementation.Salsa Computes the SALSA score using a non-iterative method.Salsa.UnionFind SpectralRanking A base abstract class defining methods and attributes supporting computations of graph spectral rankings such as the dominant eigenvector, PageRank or Katz's index.SpectralRanking.IterationNumberStoppingCriterion A stopping criterion that stops whenever the number of iterations exceeds a given bound.SpectralRanking.NormStoppingCriterion A stopping criterion that evaluatesSpectralRanking.normDelta()
, and stops if this value is smaller than a given threshold.