
If you publish results based on this graph, please quote the references suggested in the dataset page.

This graph is part of a series that has been studied in the “Four degrees of separation” paper by Lars Backstrom, Paolo Boldi, Marco Rosa, Johan Ugander and Sebastiano Vigna. The series sections the Facebook graph geographically and temporally: please see the paper for the details. Note that years up to 2011 are timed at the first of January, but the “current” graphs are timed at May 2011. In particular, the latest whole Facebook graph prompted the title of the paper.

We cannot distribute the graphs for obvious reasons, but you can download aggregated data (WebGraph properties, HyperANF runs and some degree distributions). If you publish results based on our data, please acknowledge our work by quoting the “Four degrees of separation” paper.

Basic data
nodes332 316 968
arcs37 551 427 745
bits/link19.885 (86.72%)
average degree112.999
average distance5.06 (± 0.011)
reachable pairs98.39% (± 4.094)
median distance5 (75.42%)
harmonic diameter5.03 (± 0.208)
Natural order (random access)
Distance probability mass functiondistance probability mass function