Class PageRankParallelGaussSeidel

public class PageRankParallelGaussSeidel
extends PageRank
A big version of PageRankParallelGaussSeidel.
Sebastiano Vigna
See Also:
PageRankParallelGaussSeidel, PageRank, SpectralRanking
  • Field Details

    • outdegree

      public long[][] outdegree
      The outdegree of each node (initialized after the first computation).
    • pseudoRank

      public boolean pseudoRank
      If true, an everywhere zero dangling-node distribution will be simulated, resulting in the computation of a pseudorank.
  • Constructor Details

    • PageRankParallelGaussSeidel

      public PageRankParallelGaussSeidel​(ImmutableGraph transpose, int requestedThreads, Logger logger)
      Creates a new instance.
      transpose - the transpose of the graph on which to compute PageRank.
      requestedThreads - the requested number of threads (0 for Runtime.availableProcessors()).
      logger - a logger that will be passed to super().
    • PageRankParallelGaussSeidel

      public PageRankParallelGaussSeidel​(ImmutableGraph transpose)
      Creates a new instance.
      transpose - the transpose of the graph on which to compute PageRank.
    • PageRankParallelGaussSeidel

      public PageRankParallelGaussSeidel​(ImmutableGraph transpose, Logger logger)
      Creates a new instance.
      transpose - the transpose of the graph on which to compute PageRank.
      logger - a logger that will be passed to super().
  • Method Details